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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Why I stopped watching collective sports altogether

I could never wrap my head around the fact that sports fans choose willingly to live vicariously through the success of others, especially for athletes who serve as a propaganda tool to push their pbvious narrative. Much better to play sports yourself or do exercise such as running or weightlifting. Live vicariously through yourself and be the man that you want to admire. 
I understand that we do not live on an isolated island and that sports fandom used to serve the purpose of bringing together communities and the like, but when we live in an atomised society that has degenerated so much to the point that self-destructive behaviour is praised and even encouraged while nuclear family values are frowned upon, is it really worth it to spend your disposable income or waste time to basically give sanction to organisations that are working to destroy your nation and your people?

Thursday 1 September 2016

CISC - complex instruction set computing

Complex instruction set computing (CISC) is a processor design where single instructions can execute several low-level operations (such as a load from memory, an arithmetic operation, and a memory store). CISC processors are also capable of multi-step operations or addressing modes within single instructions. The hallmark of CISC processors is that memory load and store operations are performed along with arithmetic operations. In contrast to CISC designs, RISC uses uniform instruction length for almost all instructions and employ distinct load/store-instruction.
 The features below exclusive to CISC:

 - CISC chips have a large amount of different and complex instructions (variable length)
- CISC machines generally make use of complex addressing modes.
- Different machine programs can be executed on CISC machines (it's RISC that favours uniformity).
- CISC machines use micro-program control unit.
- CISC processors have limited number of registers (RISC design favours more registers).

Disk Controller

The disk controller is the electronic assemblage that governs the mechanics of a a hard drive, floppy disk or other kind of disk drive. Its role is to control the rotating spindle, the position of the heads for reading and writing and interpret the electrical signals received to convert them into data in a particular location on the surface of the hard drive. Early disk controllers were identified by their storage methods and data encoding, typically implemented on a separate controller card. Modified frequency modulation (MFM) controllers were the most common type in small computers, used for both floppy disk and hard disk drives. Run length limited (RLL) controllers used data compression to increase storage capacity by about 50%. 
The most common interface provided nowadays by disk controllers are PATA (IDE) and Serial ATA for home use. High-end disks use SCSIFibre Channel or Serial Attached SCSI. Disk controllers can also control the timing of access to flash memory which is not mechanical in nature (i.e. no physical disk).