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Sunday 12 November 2017

TCL commands

Transaction Control Language(TCL) commands manage transactions in database, usually the changes rbought about by DML statements (update, delete, insert).

Commit - used to permanently save any transaction into the database.

Rollback - undoes all changes, returning to the last committed stage. It can also be used in conjunction with the savepoint command when regression to an earlier state is desirable if savepoints were used rather than commit.

Savepoint - temporarily saves a transaction, thus allowing for a rollback operation to reverse back to this saved state. Savepoint is the only TCL command that needs to be named in order to be identified by a rollback operation.

The Weasel War Dance

In colloquial language, the weasel war dance is a set of moves done by a ferret to indicate playful behaviour. It consists of a frenzied series of hops sideways and backwards, often accompanied by an arched back, and a frizzed-out tail. Ferrets exhibit a pointed lack of spatial awareness when in this state,  often bumping into or falling over objects and furniture.  The dance includes a clucking vocalization, known as "dooking". 

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Database Tuning

Database tuning is the process of fine tuning either the parameters of a database installation or the influencing properties of a db application in order to improve performance. It's often recommended with huge database systems due to the  complexity and amount of data to be handled.

Tuning is best done by highly specialised professionals even though it's a costly process with hardly noticeable results. A more cost-effective solution with similar effects can be achieved by hardware implementation. This restricts the need for tuning to a few areas, e.g.: high-end applications. Another option includes the optimisation of the data model by normalising its tables e.g.: using atomic fields and eliminating transitive dependencies.