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Monday 9 March 2015

Debunking the race myth

How to Debunk the Myth of Race in 3 Minutes

You may know that there aren't races of men, but how would you prove it to someone who willfully disagrees with you? The fact is, race, like gender, is a social and political construct by the design of an evil elite to baffle the masses and carry on the persecution of peoples they consider "inferior". This has been going on for centuries.


Race is a social construct! Johan Friedrich Blumenbach ( A German scientist, no less! Kinda explains the rise of the Third Reich, doesn't it?) in his 1776 book "On the Natural Variety of Mankind" rates people according to their physical traits and skin hue. The 5 categories decided on are: "Caucasian, the white race; Mongolian, the yellow race; Malayan, the brown race, Ethiopian, the black race, and American, the red race.". On this arbitrary rank, Caucasians were placed at the top. Guess which race ranked lowest? This was the hatred fuel that motivated racism and discriminatin for centuries to come.


Be a conscious ally. If you see racism being perpetrated, call the police and warn the SJWs.

Recognise your own biases. Humans all have flaws and all are inherently a bit racist. Otherwise, why would people of similar looks and features tend to congregate with each other while those of a foreign colour stick out like the odd ones out? This happens subconsciously of course in civilised societies due to the heavy PCisation that rules the west. Just because African Americans are good dancers, doesn't mean you should invite the black waitstaff to "bust a move" at your local wafflehouse.

Never blame anything on the Jews. They are G_d's chosen people.

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