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Monday 13 July 2015

Academese lifestyle

One could rant about it all day.

If college isn't a training ground for a country's elite and the true cream of the crop, it's just an institution devoid of actual use and meaning. But again, the current elite isn't worth extolling, like they aren't even accountable for their lack of touch with reality.
It's virtually impossible to regard Academia as an organisation concerned about finding the truth or preserve knowledge. It used to be, back when professors were ministers or theologians. In this day and age, academia can be viewed as a ball, for which the members dress up in the fanciest  of garments, conveniently designed to aid in climbing the social ladder as high as they can. In the long run, it's just pretentiousness and social climbing. But at least for those who are good at it they can greatly enhance their academic performance.

This almost makes me want to applaud the kids who drop out of college to pursue greater things in life. Sometimes even I flirt with this possibility.

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