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Tuesday 12 March 2019

Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Episode 18

My fancy for this episode was piqueted right at the start as Tonegawa gets the result f his physical. It's another of these episodes that deals with Tonegawa's inner troubles and how he goes about solving them, which usually results in hilarity. This time his quest for better health leads to a drastic change in his feeding and physical habits in an attempt to cut back on fatty acids, sugars and other vices common to the modern man. Sometimes it's episodes like this that turn out to have an extremely high replay value, mainly on account of its capacity to take the viewer on grand flights of fancy. It's one of those delightfully relatable episodes, easily one of the best.

Doushita soon learns of Tonegawa's intentions and sets out to support him by clinging to him like an old sibling afraid that his fraternal peer might get hurt. From a minor annoyance it soon developed into an unpleasant undercurrent of uncalled-for interventions, not the least of which is Tonegawa's sneaking into a toilet stall to savour a cutlet dish. Doushita pops by with the sole intention of helping his leader and stop him from going down the slippery road that is giving in to temptation. It eventually works out for the best though, as Tonegawa leaves the doctor's office a much healthier man after his second appointment. But his impressions of Doushita have taken a hit, and unlike his previous health status, the fix for this isn't medical attention.

The second part of the episode takes us back again to Otsuki and his exploits during his next one-day furlough. This time he notices someone he had never met before, but whose culinary tastes strangely align with his. In addition to the coincidental opinions, they also happen to visit the same eateries at the same time. In case you're wondering, that's abnormal. Chance encounters with an acquaintance are rare, but they seem to happen with comedic regularity. After taking one last trip to one of his favourite culinary haunts, Otsuki notices his mysterious friend again. Everything goes as expected except when he orders chilli sauce and quail eggs as topping. Our rotund protagonist is clearly taken aback from this unlikely combination and starts to wonder what sort of folly would drive one man to conduct such an experiment. His curiosity gets the better of him and he decides to add the novel combination to his repertoire. The result blows his mind, causing to him to drift into childlike feelings of whimsical wonder and awe. Back at work, he reflects on this sequence of events and thinks to himself who was his nameless friend might be.

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