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Tuesday 3 August 2021

Card Captor Sakura - episode 5

A new plush toy store has just opened in town and all of the Tomoeda Elementary School girls are all over it, admiring the wares and planning to buy whatever strikes their fancy. Maggy, the shop owner, is a little distressed by the fact that one of Sakura's classmate's stuffed Panda keeps popping up in the shelves among the other toys. As expected, everyone finds it strange that certain items keep reappearing in Meggy's store,and the adult woman resigns to the futility of trying to justify herself, that she doesn't know what's behind the unusual occurrances. On the other hand, Sakura sticks to common sense, which means that she suspects that it's the doing of a Clow card. Later that night, she and Maddison return to the aforementioned store and confirm if it's really a Clow card at play. Maddison has to stall the older unsuspecting character, which results in an amusing scene where she asks Meggie to teach her how to prepare tea, then proceeds to tell her a bunch of trivial facts, which range from Sri Lanka, camcorders, digital video formats and even encryption. Encryption? I knew at that point that Maddison was running out of things to say and Sakura had to hurry up and find a way to bring out the hidden Clow Card spirit. The mischievous card is easy enough to spot: amidst a stationary sea of cute soft creatures, the enchanted panda bear takes on a life of its own and evades Sakura's futile attempts at catching it. Before long, it summons all of the other plush toys to join it and the stuffed artifacts leave the store. The impromptu exit and the chase culminate in a bout to capture the Jump Card and allay everyone's aprehensions that someone may be personally returning merchandise to the store.

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