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Wednesday 18 August 2021

putting lies in the limelight

People lie about themselves all the time, I guess. Especially "men" who were not able to prove to themselves who they are.

Why should going to war and serving a country that hates you be any more off limits than lying about your bench press count?

Yeah, i know the answer is that it's stolen valour, and that's the answer: other people are paying the price; and you are not. So I guess it's an ez to define, categorical difference..

Just to make clear, I haven't lied about my accomplishments, since I stopped lying about them, which I can recall was around 1995. Up until then I was just another "school's most prominent athlete".

Despite my best, most sedulous efforts, i can't get this meme ("the school athlete who is also a contender") to come back. is there a way to do it right?

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